Staker Token 5th Weekly Community Newsletter
Hello Everyone! Its another brandnew week for Staker Token and now we are entering the the 9th week of airdrop distribution but before that lets recap all the things that happen in the past airdrop week.
We are now on the 5th edition of Staker Community Newsletter and i am happy with all the feedback by the audiences and fans of my blog also my twitter followers who actively supporting all my work thru simple like and retweet.
Are you a new airdrop members? Catchup with all the news about Staker Token by reading the previous newsletter to know how the community improves everyweek.
- READ Staker Token 4th Weekly Community Newsletter
- READ Staker Token 3rd Weekly Community Newsletter
- READ Staker Token 2nd Weekly Community Newsletter
Did you know STAKER TOKEN is available on COINLIB? Visit Staker COINLIB Page
Congratulation’s to all accepted airdrop participants for Round #8, 30,000 STR has been airdropped and this week 353 active airdrop participants has been recorded.
For more detailed information about the Round #7 Airdrop. (READ: Round 8 Airdrop News)
Different Contest and Promotion is being held inside the official staker discord channel and this is everyone’s chance to join and earn extra STR’s during weekdays while waiting for the airdrop day. make sure to check out the Bounty category via discord channel.
Anytime this week an exciting announcement will be announce that will create more buzz for staker token project, This will be an additional way for users to earn STR’s tokens for every task they completed. More details will be announce later on as we work on all the details and complete everything.
Currently Staker Token are available on CREX24, FORKDELTA and TOKENJAR.
Staker Community is Growing Everyweek with 2679 Discord Members recorded as of today and it was 89 Membershigher compare to last week.
With almost 200 users online at the average everyday its truly a great achievement for STAKER Community. Remember this is a team effort and everyone deserves some applause.
That’s all for this week and stay tuned for our daily news about STAKER project and Don’t Forget to Re-Tweet, Like and share the article in different Social Media Channel a simple task but will have a great impact on STAKER Crypto Awareness Campaign.
This News Entry is a personal opinion and not directly from Staker developer team this is a community initiative news entry, for official news and updates check out #announcement channel via staker Discord.

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